The African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa Re) is the leading Pan-African reinsurance
company and the largest re-insurer in Africa with the Financial Strength and Credit Rating of
Africa Re is “A” by A.M. Best and “A – “by Standard & Poor’s.
Headquartered in Lagos (Nigeria) since its inception in 1976, Africa Re operates through
a) Six (6) Regional Offices across Africa: Casablanca (Morocco), Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire),
Nairobi (Kenya), Lagos (Nigeria), Cairo (Egypt) and Ebene (Mauritius),
b) One (1) Contact Office in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia),
c) Three (3) Subsidiary Companies (Africa Re South Africa Limited in Johannesburg, South
Africa), Africa Retakaful Company Ltd. in Cairo (Egypt) and Africa Re Underwriting
Agency in Dubai (UAE).
Africa Re has a broad-based shareholding of;
42 African member States,
the African Development Bank,
113 African insurance and reinsurance companies, and
three (3) non regional shareholders, including leading global insurers, reinsurers and
international finance institutions.