The Veritas Group provides various technology driven investment solutions, designed to support the international adviser market, concentrating on establishing long-lasting business relationships, built on foundations of innovation and bespoke online customized client and adviser solutions.
Veritas initially launched as Gravitas Finance LLC in 2014 and has been operating like no other international investment platform. At Veritas we actively engage with our clients (trustees and adviser companies) asking how we can assist them in order to create bespoke product lines for them. We believe the services and technology we provide, and have access to, make the International Investment Platform with its two offerings, namely the VIP Account and the IIP Account, one of the most desirable professional investment platforms in the market today.
The International Investment Platform simplifies the process of investing and with online access, powerful consolidation tools and back office integration. Advisers can now spend far less time on administration and more time servicing the needs of their clients or attracting new ones.
The Veritas team understands the dynamic and fast-paced nature of these sectors and the resultant pressure on companies and organisations to stay ahead of the game and remain competitive whilst, at the same time, managing changes in legislation and increased demands from regulatory authorities. The global reach and industry-specific expertise within our company ensures that we are able to be not just highly reactive to the client’s needs but also be ahead of the game by identifying where the industry is going and where the consumer is taking them.